Equal Employment Opportunity Plan
The Equal Employment Opportunity Plan (Plan) is a tool used to further the District’s goal of achieving and supporting a diverse workforce and supporting the success of a diverse student population.
The Butte-Glenn Community College District has established an Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee to assist the District in implementing its EEO Plan. The committee may also assist in promoting the understanding and support of equal opportunity and nondiscrimination policies and procedures. The committee may sponsor events, training, or other activities that promote equal employment opportunity, nondiscrimination, retention and diversity. The Equal Employment Opportunity Officer shall train the Advisory Committee on equal employment compliance and the Plan itself. The Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee shall be chaired by the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer and will hold a minimum of four (4) meetings per fiscal year, with additional meetings if needed. When appropriate, the Advisory Committee shall make recommendations to the Board of Trustees, the Superintendent/President, the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer and the participatory governance groups. The EEO Advisory Committee will ensure that both the current EEO Plan and the annual Multiple Methods Certification Forms be made available on the “EEO” page within the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion section of the Butte College website.
Selena Lee, Human Resources
Angela Baucom, CCC Tech Center
Monica Brown, Student Equity
Cristina Dahl, English
Donna Davis, Respiratory Care
Dan Evaro, Facilities
Corey Gruber, English
Kevin Haynes, Center for Academic Success
Kyle Landrum,
Katya Ponce-Sanchez, Culture Community Center
Tray Robinson, Inclusion Diversity, Equity and Anti-Racism
Chris Westbay, Media Production
- District submission of EEO Plan and Establishment of an EEO Advisory Committee
- District creates and follows Board Policies and Adopted Resolutions
- Incentives for hard-to-hire areas/disciplines
- Focused Outreach and Publications
- Procedures for Addressing Diversity throughout Hiring Steps
- Consistent and Ongoing Training for Screening/Selection Committees
- Professional Development Focused on Diversity
- Diversity Incorporated into Criteria for Employee Evaluation and Tenure Review
- Grow-Your-Own Programs
Content Editor:
Tray Robinson