The mission of Student Success Services (SSS) is to provide support and guidance to students, whether in-person or online, who face barriers to their academic success. SSS promotes equitable opportunity for students to meet their achievement goals. Staff collaborate with the RoadRunner Rise and Housing Assistance Program to help place students in emergency and long-term housing. Additional programs administered through SSS include: RoadRunner Cares (formerly known as Early Alert), and Priority Registration under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. All share the same mission. SSS uses a holistic approach to meet students "where they are" in life, whether they have basic need challenges, academic challenges or health and wellness needs.
SSS provides one-on-one assistance and referrals to intervention support services for students on academic probation and/or financial aid warning, and disqualification. This department is designed to help students in identifying and utilizing available resources to be successful in their academic and personal endeavors. SSS provides resource referral services both on campus and in the community. Staff helps students access resources such as CalFresh, priority registration for homeless students and housing referrals under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. SSS administers RoadRunner Cares, which assists students in crisis to receive priority passes for appointments with other Student Services offices with the goal of facilitating success at Butte College.
SSS created the following SLO's 2019-2020 academic year. The department is currently in the process of establishing them, and has a goal of assessment/implementation during the 2021-2022 academic year.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Over five years, increase by at least 20 percent the number of California Community College students annually who acquire associate degrees, credentials, certificates, or specific skill sets that prepare them for an in-demand job. SSS assists students in meeting GPA and pace requirements in order to transfer or complete their academic goals.
- Over five years, increase by 35 percent the number of California Community College students transferring annually to a UC or CSU. SSS assists students in meeting GPA and pace requirements in order to transfer or complete their academic goals. Focused referrals to help students address barriers to their transfer.
- Over five years, decrease the average number of units accumulated by California Community College students earning associate degrees. SSS assists students in meeting GPA and pace requirements in order to transfer or complete their academic goals. Assist new students with CAP tool, priority passes to the Counseling Office or EOPS and obtain their ed plans on file. Work closely with DSPS so students select their correct classes each semester or obtain exemptions and accommodations from DSPS.
- Over five years, increase the percent of exiting CTE students who report being employed in their field of study. Staff refers students to Career Counseling and the Job Placement Office, Alliance for Workforce Development as well as on-campus employment while they attend classes.
- Reduce equity gaps across all of the above measures through faster improvements among traditionally underrepresented student groups. One of our main focuses is targeting Dashboard students starting in the fall semester and work down the list to the entire population of students.
- Over five years, reduce regional achievement gaps across all of the above measures through faster improvements among colleges located in regions with the lowest educational attainment of adults. We partner with Oroville & Chico community members (DOR, Student Support Center) and resources to strengthen the connection to outreach & recruitment. SSS provides educational supplies, textbooks, hotspots, wifi, access to computers (Computers for Classrooms) and other technology students may need.
The Student Success Services (SSS) program supports the College in meeting it's strategic direction and priorities in the following ways:
A Program Review is not planned/scheduled for Student Success Services at this time.
The goals of Student Success Services include:
Strategy 1 - Collaborate with RoadRunner Rise & the Housing Assistance Program
Students can't focus on classes and attain their personal and academic without adequate and stable housing.
Explain to students the various college programs available and provide contact information. Make referrals via email to the RoadRunner Rise and the Housing Assistance staff and follow-up when appropriate. SSS collaborates with the Job Placement Office to produce housing resumes.
Strategy 2 - Inreach and Outreach Strategies
SSS staff seek to increase utilization of our services by attending campus and community events, financial aid collaboration, and increase program participation on the Main Campus, and at the Chico, Glenn, Skyway and Cosmetology Centers as well as via online modalities. Students whom are at risk and are on academic probation, financial aid probation/disqualification need more personalized contact to respond to intervention strategies.
Staff work with students to:
Students' receive emails, text messages and phone correspondence emails regarding their probationary status, but need more personalized intervention.
By increasing inreach and outreach strategies, we are able to meet the students where they are at and provide equitable opportunities for intervention.
Strategy 3 - Webpage Development
SSS will begin the process to establish a Butte College webpage that will include:
A webpage will serve as a marketing tool and create awareness of who we are and what we do. It will also serve as a way for faculty and staff to learn about us and direct students to our office.
Strategy 4 - Determine a software or service for RoadRunner Cares case management (Maxient or Starfish)
Pursue one specific case management software and implement ASAP.
We are painfully aware of the need to make this happen.
IT support is needed to implement case management software for RoadRunner Cares.
The mission and scope of work by Student Success Services has resulted in the program outgrowing our current space. SSS would like to secure a larger and central location on the Main Campus that will support the increased amount of students served in the program and to increase the ability to reach students. We would be able to expand services to other Butte College Centers. The ideal location would be wear the Bookstore currently is housed and share the space with the RoadRunner Hub. This would centralize services to students, be more accessable and visually appealing.
Student Success Services is funded by SEAP.
Staff support was given through CalFresh funds.
Original Priority | Program, Unit, Area | Resource Type | Account Number | Object Code | One Time Augment | Ongoing Augment |
Description | Supporting Rationale | Potential Alternative Funding Sources | Prioritization Criteria | |||
1 | Student Success Services | Equipment | $8,000.00 | $0.00 | ||
2 Stand-up Desks and 3 chairs | All three SSS staff members are in need of new chairs and would like stand-up desks as well as recommended by two of the three staff members doctors. The chairs that staff are using are 6 years old and original to when the Student Success Services office was created. One chair broke while in use and caused a safety hazard! |
2 | Student Success Services | Equipment | $4,400.00 | $0.00 | ||
4 Replacement Computers for Staff | Computers that the 3 staff and one student assistant use are original to the department and from 2016. IT has upgraded them but they still run very slow. |
3 | Student Success Services | Operating Expenses | $5,500.00 | $0.00 | ||
Gas Cards and Dining Services | 250 $7 dining services cards are given out each semester, we only have 30 left for the entire Spring 2022 semester as of February 1st. 150-200 $25 gas cards are given out each semester and we only have 50 left for the entire Spring 2022 semester as of February 1st. This are critical resources students need to get to school, stay in school and look for jobs and are always in high demand. $1,750 in dining services cards and $3,750 is needed in gas cards. |
4 | Student Success Services | Personnel | $0.00 | $89,000.00 | ||
Full-time 12-month Supervisor, Retention Specialist for at risk student population groups | The Supervisor, Retention Specialist focuses and supervises retention efforts for the College�s most at risk students. The Retention Specialist develops, implements and evaluates activities designed to increase student retention, persistence and completion. Provides guidance and support for Butte College students who need assistance staying on track for degree completion. Enhances student success by offering a variety of services that include personal coaching, on-going support and follow up; developmental workshops, degree progress consultations and referrals to other on-and off campus resources. This positon also coordinates interventions for the Early Alert System and provides oversight and guidance for students on academic and/or dismissal. The Retention Specialist also provides intervention for students experiencing housing and food insecurities. Intervention services are available for students not making satisfactory academic progress for financial aid. This position provides direct supervision to assigned departmental staff. Hires, trains, and provides direction to hourly and student employees. |
5 | Student Success Services | Personnel | $0.00 | $87,000.00 | ||
Student Success Specialist | We are at capacity in terms of caseloads with current staffing. Even though enrollment has dropped, SSS has seen an increase in number of students served annually. The new RoadRunner Cares program has increased the workload of an already limited three-person office staff. |
6 | Student Success Services | Personnel | $0.00 | $33,000.00 | ||
Secretary I | A full-time Administrative Secretary I will allow us to accomplish the clerical work required to achieve the SLO's and increase outreach to students, housing assistance and increase the number of students served. This will enable students to succeed inside and outside the classroom, learn intervention strategies and collaboration techniques and become self-sufficient. |
7 | Student Success Services | Personnel | 12-200-702-1-63007 | 52368 | $0.00 | $17,680.00 |
3 SSS Student Assistants | SSS Student Assistants provide essential support outreaching and inreaching to SSS students to provide retention services. Student Assistants provide clerical front desk support, answer incoming calls, send text messages, schedule appointments and make follow up phone calls to support Program retention efforts. |
8 | Student Success Services | 12-200-702-1-63007 | 54300 | $0.00 | $8,000.00 | |
Supplies Instructional | SSS provides limited text book support to it's participants that are not receiving financial aid assistance due to disqualification and must go unfunded for a semester. Secondly, assistance is provided to participants whose aid is delayed due to financial aid appeals. Funds are disbursed sparingly to assist the maximum number of students. We encourage students to utilize the Financial Aid text book loan to supplement their needs as well. |
9 | Student Success Services | 12-200-702-1-63007 | 54500 | $0.00 | $2,000.00 | |
Supplies Non Instructional | SSS students are provided with supply packets consisting of paper, pens, post it notes, zip pouches, note cards and white out. These supplies greatly assist our student population group who often have limited financial resourcces |