The purpose of Facilities Planning and Management is to create and maintain a safe, positive and appealing environment that supports student and staff success. Our mission is to increase the quality of services provided and establish metrics to verify the level achieved. The Facilities Planning and Management (FPM) department of the Butte-Glenn Community College District is responsible for the construction, maintenance and operation of the physical plant of the District. Divisions include Custodial, Construction & Building Maintenance, Grounds, Printing, Shipping and Receiving, Transportation, Bond Management Program, utility management and the technical and clerical staff to support these functions. The vision of an organization can be subdivided into three parts: Core Values, Purpose, and Mission. The Core Values are the basic beliefs that define us as individuals and thus as an organization. These do not change over time. Purpose is the guiding star that defines the direction the organization will always move toward. The Mission is the immediate challenge to be conquered while moving towards fulfilling the Purpose.
The FPM department consists of eight units: Custodial Services, Construction and Building Maintenance, Grounds Maintenance, Printing Services, Shipping & Receiving, Mail Services & Asset Management, Student Transportation, Staff Motor Pool, Bond Management Program, and Facilities Support Services. There are approximately 66 permanent employees in the department.
Arts Adult Changing Table
This supported the remodel of one room in the Arts Building into an Adult Changing Room. The funds covered the purchase of a changing table and hoist and the cost of installation. This will assist students and their caregive to address incontinence aids, as well as a number of other tasks.
Glenn County Center Lease Increase
Fund used to cover lease increase of Glenn Center.
Cosmetology and Barbering Center Lease Increase
Fund used to cover lease increase of Cosmetology and Barbering Center.
Main Campus Gas
Fund used to cover gas price increase on Main Campus.
Main Campus Electric
Fund used to cover electricity price increase on Main Campus.
Skyway/Chico Gas
Fund used to cover gas price increase at Skyway Center and Chico Center.
Skyway/Chico Electric
Fund used to cover electricity price increase at Skyway Center and Chico Center.
Cosmetology and Barbering Center Gas
Fund used to cover gas price increase at Cosmetology and Barbering Center.
Cosmetology and Barbering Center Electric
Fund used to cover electricity price increase at Cosmetology and Barbering Center.
Waste Water Testing/Permit
Fund used to cover testing and permit, which is required by law.
The following goals from the previous strategic plan and program review and the current status:
• Establish and manage a facilities renewal program. Ongoing.
• Identify safety hazards and develop projects to address unsafe conditions. Ongoing.
• Assist instructional and student service departments with development of their projects. Ongoing.
• Work with Program to move leased facilities into permanent facilities.
• Ensure that all District facilities, property and vehicles are in compliance with relevant regulations. Ongoing.
• Track and analyze the District’s utility usage and costs. Ongoing.
• Maintain the Bond Management Program. Ongoing.
• Once vacated, move five Instruction Portables to the east side of campus to support instructions in Mechanized Agriculture. In Progress.
• Implement 2016 Accessibility Survey and create a corrective maintenance plan. Ongoing.
• Address ADA Issues in Mechanized Agriculture. In Progress.
• Evaluate District options to mitigate the effectis of PGE's Public Safety Power Shutoff. Complete.
Strategy 1 - Facilities Renewal Program
Manage facilities renewal program.
The buildings represent the most valuable physical asset of the District with a current replacement value of approximately $399 million. In addition the utility infrastructure, landscape and hardscape are valuable assets of the District. All of these assets have a predictable rate of deterioration and therefore, the need for systematic renewal of these assets to provide for the future usability for District functions.
Strategy 2 - Safety
Identify safety hazards and develop projects to address unsafe conditions.
Some facility deteriorations create unsafe conditions and need to be addressed.
Strategy 3 - Analyze Program Needs
Meet with and discuss facility-related programatic needs for instructional and student services departments.
Adaptive use of facility can assist instruction and delivery of student services. FPM can provide the expertise to assist departments with their augmentation requests.
Strategy 4 - Regulations
Ensure that all District's facility, property and vehicles are in compliance with relevant regulations and legal obligations such as AB367.
To reduce the District's exposure to liability and potiental regulatory actions.
Strategy 5 - Utility Usage
Track and analyze District utility usage and costs.
Analyzing the District's utility usage will assist with budgeting for future utility costs.
Strategy 6 - Bond Management Program
Maintain the Bond Management Program and reclassify staff to match the department needs to support the Bond Program.
Additional Program Managers are needed to support the Bond Program.
Strategy 7 - Accessibility Survey
Implement corrective maintenance plan based on 2016 Accessibility Survey.
Correcting the deficiencies identified in the survey will make the campus more ADA accessible.
Strategy 8 - Analyze MS4 Requirements
Continue to analyze the requirements of MS4 (Municipal Seperate STorm Sewer Systems) to see if additional staffing and testing are required.
Continue to analyze the requirements to determine if additonal staffing is needed.
Original Priority | Program, Unit, Area | Resource Type | Account Number | Object Code | One Time Augment | Ongoing Augment |
Description | Supporting Rationale | Potential Alternative Funding Sources | Prioritization Criteria | |||
1 | Facilities Planning and Management | Operating Expenses | $0.00 | $142,532.00 | ||
Increase in Natural Gas and Electricity Cost | The District has on-going regulatory testing and inspections that are required by state and federal agencies. These regulatory requirements continue to increase in costs from the agencies and from the vendors who provide the services. The total cost of these increases is $34,701. They are for: -15% increase cost in fire alarm, fire sprinkler, FM200 annual fire inspections for the entire District. These inspections are required to assess and mitigate potential fire and life safety hazards in buildings. $10,377 -Annual Inspections of water quality reporting and permits for Main campus required by California Water Resources Board and Environmental Protection Agency for the Districts UCMR (Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule) 4 permit. $2,200 -Annual backflow preventer inspection for Math building. We have added a new backflow preventer to the campus that will need inspected. $998 -New requirement to have FPM special equipment inspected by a 3rd party (boom lift, scissor lift, vertical lifts, vehicle lifts, aboveground fuel tank, and safety harness) total costs for these inspections is $3,500 annually. - Additional storm water testing due to increased asphalt at the FPM Yard and added above ground fuel tank. This is a requirement by the California Water Resources Board and Environmental Protection Agency $800 - Increase in costs for the removal of hazardous waste from the campus. The FPM budget is responsible for the removal of hazardous waste for student health clinic, welding & manufacturing, automotive and sciences. This increase per the vendor $2,120 - SWRB now requires us to provide weed abatement at our STP effluent ponds and provide annual groundwater monitoring reports in order to maintain the required Waste Water Treatment Plant permit. The report shall contain an analysis of groundwater data collected during the year and a general evaluation of any impacts the wastewater discharge is having on the groundwater quality. This report is required to be conducted by a third party that holds the proper environmental license. The District will contract with Northstar Engineering to provide this service. Total cost for both new regulations is cost $8,625 annually. - Pest control vendor will have a 10% increase in services due to material cost increase and fuel cost increase next fiscal year with an increase cost for their contract of $4,165 annually. - Increase cost in domestic water testing and reporting as required by regulation. $1,916 |
2 | Facilities Planning and Management | Operating Expenses | 110002108300700 | $0.00 | $48,768.00 | |
New Glenn Center- Utility, Water, Weed Control and Pest Cost | The new Glenn Center will come online in August 2022. Utility, water, weed control will need to be funded. Waste disposal, recycling and hazardous waste will need to be funded. Current services are being paid for by the property owner. The building will require annual fire alarm and sprinkler system and backflow preventer inspections. Total ongoing cost is $48,768. - Quarterly weed control by detention pond $1,900 - Semi-annual weed control $3,300 - Pest $1,606 - Water $3,500 - Electric $12K - Natural gas $10K - Waste disposal, recycling and hazardous waste $7,462 - Annual fire alarm and sprinkler system and backflow preventer inspections. Total ongoing cost is $9K ($7K for fire alarm and sprinkler system inspection and $2K for backflow preventer inspections) - Water softner for science lab $1195 |
3 | Facilities Planning and Mangement | Operating Expenses | $0.00 | $24,324.00 | ||
Regulatory Testing and Inspections and Weed Abatement | The District has on-going regulatory testing and inspections that are required by state and federal agencies. These regulatory requirements continue to increase in costs from the agencies and from the vendors who provide the services. The total cost of these increases is $24,324. They are for: -Annual Inspections of water quality reporting and permits for Main campus required by California Water Resources Board and Environmental Protection Agency for the Districts UCMR (Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule) 4 permit. $2,200 -Annual backflow preventer inspection for Math building. We have added a new backflow preventer to the campus that will need inspected. $998 -New requirement to have FPM special equipment inspected by a 3rd party (boom lift, scissor lift, vertical lifts, vehicle lifts, aboveground fuel tank, and safety harness) total costs for these inspections is $3500 annually. - Additional storm water testing due to increased asphalt at the FPM Yard and added above ground fuel tank. This is a requirement by the California Water Resources Board and Environmental Protection Agency - $800 - Increase in costs for the removal of hazardous waste from the campus. The FPM budget is responsible for the removal of hazardous waste for student health clinic, welding & manufacturing, automotive and sciences. This increase per the vendor $2120 - SWRB now requires us to provide weed abatement at our STP effluent ponds and provide annual groundwater monitoring reports in order to maintain the required Waste Water Treatment Plant permit. The report shall contain an analysis of groundwater data collected during the year and a general evaluation of any impacts the wastewater discharge is having on the groundwater quality. This report is required to be conducted by a third party that holds the proper environmental license. The District will contract with Northstar Engineering to provide this service. Total cost for both new regulations is cost $8,625 annually. - Pest control vendor will have a 10% increase in services due to material cost increase and fuel cost increase next fiscal year with an increase cost for their contract of $4,165 annually. - Increase cost in domestic water testing and reporting as required by regulation. $1,916 |
4 | Facilities Planning and Management | Operating Expenses | 110002108300700 | 55611 | $0.00 | $17,807.00 |
Increase budget to cover for rent increase Cosmetology and Barbering Center | Increase budget to cover for rent increase at Cosmetology and Barbering Center. In 2020-2021, rent was increased by 1.66%. In 2021-2022, rent was increase by 4.22%. Total ongoing budget need is $17,807. |
5 | Facilities Planning and Mangement | Operating Expenses | 110002101651000 | $0.00 | $10,000.00 | |
Solar Generation Tracking Software | Annual fee for data log software to track solar generation. The current software has become obsolete and support is no longer available. |
6 | Facilities Planning and Mangement | Operating Expenses | 110002101653000 | 54500 | $0.00 | $500.00 |
Purchase Menstrual Products to Meet AB367 | AB 367 requires Community Colleges to stock restrooms with an adequate supply of free menstrual products. This request will cover the cost to purchase these products. |
7 | Facilities Planning and Management | Facilities | 417282101710001 | 56220 | $535,000.00 | $0.00 |
Schedule Maintenance Lead Removal Fire Range | Lead Removal Fire Range. |
8 | Facilities Planning and Mangement | Facilities | 417282101710001 | 56100 | $150,000.00 | $0.00 |
Schedule Maintenance Reconfigure waste disposal ponds per SWRB recommendations | Reconfigure waste disposal ponds per SWRB recommendations |
9 | Facilities Planning and Mangement | Facilities | 417282101710001 | 56220 | $350,000.00 | $0.00 |
Schedule Maintenance Repair STP Digester pool before failure | Repair STP Digester pool before failure |
10 | Facilities Planning and Mangement | Operating Expenses | 417282101710001 | 56220 | $250,000.00 | $0.00 |
Scheduled Maintenance Repair/Replace Solar inverters and equipment -Phase I | Repair/Replace Solar inverters and equipment -Phase I |
11 | Facilities Planning and Mangement | Operating Expenses | 417282101710001 | 56100 | $100,000.00 | $0.00 |
Schedule Maintenance Repair skid pan apron for cadet training | Repair skid pan apron for cadet training |
12 | Facilities Planning and Mangement | Facilities | 417282101710001 | 56220 | $150,000.00 | $0.00 |
Schedule Maintenance Chico Center Restroom Renovation | Chico Center Restroom Renovation |
13 | Facilities Planning and Mangement | Facilities | 417282101710001 | 56220 | $150,000.00 | $0.00 |
Schedule Maintenance LRC Restroom Renovation | LRC Restroom Renovation |
14 | Facilities Planning and Mangement | Facilities | 417282101710001 | 56100 | $175,000.00 | $0.00 |
Schedule Maintenance Create ADA path to Baseball Field and Soccer Field | Create ADA path to Baseball Field and Soccer Field |
15 | Facilities Planning and Mangement | Facilities | 417282101710001 | 56100 | $50,000.00 | $0.00 |
Schedule Maintenance Repair sidewalks at AHPS Exterior | Repair sidewalks at AHPS Exterior |
16 | Facilities Planning and Mangement | Equipment | 417282101710001 | 56220 | $150,000.00 | $0.00 |
Schedule Maintenance HVAC Repairs/Replacement Campus Wide | HVAC Repairs/Replacement Campus Wide |
17 | Facilities Planning and Mangement | Facilities | 417282101710001 | 56100 | $235,000.00 | $0.00 |
Schedule Maintenance Irrigation repairs and replacements and water conservation landscaping District wide | Irrigation repairs and replacements and water conservation landscaping District wide |
18 | Facilities Planning and Mangement | Facilities | 417282101710001 | 56220 | $350,000.00 | $0.00 |
Schedule Maintenance Repair interior finishes to MLR/WLR Restrooms | Repair interior finishes to MLR/WLR Restrooms |
19 | Facilities Planning and Mangement | Facilities | 417282101710001 | 56220 | $175,000.00 | $0.00 |
Schedule Maintenance Repair interior finishes CHC Hallways and Corridors | Repair interior finishes CHC Hallways and Corridors |
20 | Facilities Planning and Mangement | Facilities | 417282101710001 | 56220 | $152,000.00 | $0.00 |
Schedule Maintenance Reseal exterior windows CHC & AHPS | Reseal exterior windows CHC & AHPS |
21 | Facilities Planning and Mangement | Facilities | 417282101710001 | 56220 | $150,000.00 | $0.00 |
Schedule Maintenance Repair and paint hallways AHPS | Repair and paint hallways AHPS |
22 | Facilities Planning and Mangement | Facilities | 417282101710001 | 56220 | $100,000.00 | $0.00 |
Schedule Maintenance Install water building isolation valve & regulators | Install water building isolation valve & regulators |