The Title IX Office provides a safe environment for all students, staff and faculty. It is committed to promoting fairness and equity in all aspects of higher education, and creating a campus culture that proactively prevents and responds to all sexual harassment, sexual violence, and other forms of gender-based violence.
The role and duty of Title IX Coordinator & Compliance Officer is to coordinate with appropriate administrators to identify and address any patterns or systemic problems under Title IX and to assess the overall efficacy of the coordination campus-wide. To enforce prompt and equitable investigation of reports of sexual misconduct, gender based-harassment and identify remedies. Additional requirements include, elimination of hostile environments to prevent its re occurrence and address the effects. This happens through education, policy reform and enforcement.
One full-time Title IX Coordinator
By having this position, BC continues to meet the three-year Office of Civil Rights Resolution Agreement
Titile IX OCR Mandates
Training for Title IX Coordinator and Titile IX investigators as part of the three-year resolution agreement.
The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) enforces Program Review for the Title IX Coordinator and Compliance Officer.
Strategy 1 - Create a Title IX Office with Support Staff
Administrative support is needed to assist Title IX Coordinator (TIXC) in meeting the mandatory Resolution Agreement for Office of Civil rights (OCR). Without this support for the TIXC will be challenged to fulfill compliance required for OCR and their job duties to the campus/district.
Currently the space for TIXC is a small office in a very populated area. Confidentiality is a legal right afford to reporting parties and a value of our College. Having an area the assures and affords this is needed.
Not only is the TIXC responsible for the daily duties meeting and maintaining compliance is governed by OCR. It is critical that TIXC have Administrative support to comply and meet their job duties. The daunting process of paperwork, scheduling trainings, scheduling reporting and responding parties, assisting in campus announcements and email correspondence could be met with Administrative Support. In addition, it is critical that reporting and responding parties are provided the confidentiality required by law. Creating a culture shift and change that involves encouraging reporting of any and all sexual misconduct and all harassment begins with creating an office space that feels safe and confidential.
Strategy 2 - Conduct Title IX Training for the Campus
Campus -wide trainings that educate the college community on their rights and responsibilities of reporting. The education trainings will also provide the legally required consent training of, "yes means yes"law all campus community. OCR requires the College to meet theserequirements through multiple mediums,not only face to face but annually providing on-line training too. This required training also applies to faculty and staff.
When utilizing on line trainings we can capture data and use as a bench mark for increased awareness, increase reporting and this in turn will support retention for our students. The collected date will be shared campus-wide and available for future grant use by the campus. In addtion, our facultyand staff will feel capable of directing students to correct resources and knowlegable about hter rights and responsibilites to students and district.
Strategy 3 - Administer Campus Climate Survey
A Campus Climate Survey (CCS) will be administered annually to collect data and create a base-line for future trainings, educational needs, understanding of consent laws, reporting requirements and how safe the campus community feels to report violations. The CCS is also, a requirement for OCR Resolution Agreement.
a CCS will afford the campus with qualatitive data and information that can and should drive retention and student achievements. The CCS will focus on student input on barriers to class completions, barriers to graduation and gauge student's familiarity with the where and how to report and willingness to report.
Strategy 4 - Title IX Website Design and Content
The Title IX web site will be a comprehensive site housing the College’s Sexual Misconduct policies, Non- Discrimination Statement and all Harassment policy and procedures. Currently the AP and BP’s are housed in an area that OCR deemed as exclusive and not easily found or accessible. The goal is to collaborate with SOC 180 to create a site that meets students and staff needs as well as brings the College into compliance with OCR.
· Meets mandatory compliance requirements for OCR
· Increases reporting and safety
· Accessible for campus community
Strategy 5 - Title IX Training and Required Certifications
All Title IX Investigators and the Title IX Coordinator are mandated by OCR to complete yearly certifications as well as attend trainings/conferences to keep abreast of legal updates and best practices.The certifications and conferences are not only required but are needed to administer campus-wide trainings that are also mandated by OCR as part of our Resolution Agreement.
A confidential and quiet space for interviews and investigation.
Original Priority | Program, Unit, Area | Resource Type | Account Number | Object Code | One Time Augment | Ongoing Augment |
Description | Supporting Rationale | Potential Alternative Funding Sources | Prioritization Criteria | |||
1 | Title IX | Personnel | $0.00 | $71,269.00 | ||
Administrative support is needed to comply with Title IX mandates. Having someone take care of the administrative duties will allow me to get work done. | Administrative Secretary Non Instructional CSEA level 24. Confidential etc... |
2 | Title IX | Operating Expenses | $10,000.00 | $0.00 | ||
Mandatory Training for students and staff | Office of Civil Rights and Title IX require all college campuses to provide annual training to their respective campuses. Due to our Resolution Agreement with OCR we must provide this annually. |
3 | Title IX | Operating Expenses | $12,500.00 | $0.00 | ||
Climate Survey | An annual campus climate survey is not only mandatory for our OCR resolution agreement but will glean valuable data that can drive retention as well as creating a campus culture of accountability |
4 | Title IX | Operating Expenses | $0.00 | $12,000.00 | ||
Title IX Personnel Training and Certifications | Annual training and certification is mandated by OCR for all Title IX Personnel. |
5 | Title IX | Operating Expenses | $0.00 | $5,000.00 | ||
ATIXA Annual Membership | The mandated certification and training are administered by ATIXA. The annual fees include legal support to our campus for Title IX. |
6 | Title IX- Personnel | $0.00 | $8,000.00 | |||
Title IX Investigator (s) Salary | OCR mandates that campuses respond to Title IX notification by utilizing Title IX Investigators. Having trained in-house Title IX Investigators is a cost saving approach. |