2016-17 Unit Plan
Inspiring Scholars

Mission Statement

The goal of Inspiring Scholars is to help current and former foster youth get into college, stay in college, and reach their academic goals- be that an associate's degree, certificate or transfer to another college or university. 

Program Description

The Foster Youth Program at Butte College offers support for Butte College students who were in foster care at any point on or after their 13th birthday and who are currently under 25 years old. Activities include bringing about campus-wide awareness, staff training, supporting the priority registration process for FY, developing academic support programs focused on the needs of current or former FY, and maintaining a center designated specifically for FY. The Program also conducts outreach to foster youth in Butte and surrounding counties and collaborates with agencies interested in supporting college access and college success of foster youth.   

Accountability for Previously Funded Items

Accountability Item 1

Equipment - 5 PCs

Amount: 3200.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

Students utilize these computers daily to complete homework. For Fall of 2015 the computer lab sign-in sheet was signed 371 times.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes

The Student Equity Plan has set out the following expected outcomes for Foster Youth: Increase course completion by 6%, increase basic skills course completion by 6%, increase degree/certificate completion by 3%, and increase transfer rates by 3%. Each of the above goals is expected to occur over a three year period based on Fall 2013 figures. The Program would also like to see an increase in the baseline GPA of Foster Youth from 1.6 to 2.0 over the same three year period. Anther anticipated outcome is an increase in the number of Foster Youth on campus as a result of outreach and education efforts. It is expected there will be a 25% increase in the number of foster youth identified and enrolled a Butte College by year Fall 2016.


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (OSLED Departments)


Standards/Goals for Student Achievement (All Other Departments)

To meet Butte College's achievement standards, Inspiring Scholars will:

Strategic Direction


Program Review

Not applicable, no program review.

Department Goals

The goal of Inspiring Scholars is to increase persistance and completion rates for foster youth on campus. We are also interested in increasing access to Butte College for foster youth by assisting them though the enrollment and registration process.

Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Develop a Mentoring Program

Develop a mentoring program for foster youth

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Mentoring has proven to have positive impacts on student outcomes including, retention, completion, GPA, graduation, and transfer. Most foster youth lack positive role models in their lives. Having a mentor to model behaviors that lead to achievement of goals in education and/or employment would help increase the educational outcomes of our foster youth which will lead to increased self-esteem, improved mental health and financial independence.    

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 2 - Operating Budget

Establish a budget for operating expenses

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

General office supplies are needed for staff; toner, paper, etc. We also need a budget for postage, computer repairs, etc.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 3 - Increase Dedicated Academic Counseling to 23 Hours

Currently Inspiring Scholars has a dedicated academic counselor for 8 hours per week. This is insufficient to meet current student needs.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

Dedicated academic counseling will hopefully lead to increase retention, faster course completion and graduation rates, and a more meaningful college experience for foster youth at Butte College.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 4 - Summer Bridge for Foster Youth

We would like to create a dedicated Summer Bridge program for current and former foster youth beginning in the summer of 2016.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

Foster youth entering Butte College are apparently unprepared for college, as demonstrated by their academic outcomes. Summer Bridge programs have been found to have significant positive impacts on student outcomes. Implementing a Summer Bridge program for foster youth will help meet Student Equity goals as well as Butte Colllege's goals overall.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 5 - Supplies for Students

Purchase supplies and books for students as needed.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

Occasionally, students are in need of supplies to get started.  They often come to use without any resources and without even the basic supplies to start the semester (pens, highlighters, binders, paper, backpacks).  Because they may not have had someone in their lives helping them prepare for college, or they missed the financial aid event at their high school due to a change of schools, their financial aid is not ready when school begins.  For this reason, it would also be helpful to have funding for books.  While we strive to get them connected to all resources available, they do not always have the required units to participate in the EOPS Program their first semester so would not have that resource for books.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 6 - Hire a Program Assistant or Special Programs Clerk

Hire a full-time program assistant or special programs clerk to oversee the expansion of the program.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

Inspiring Scholars has grown tremendously since being established in October 2014. The program has seen nearly 100 more students taking advantage of program offerings. Additionally, many community members are now seeking assistance in connecting current and former foster youth with Butte College. This increase in demand in student need is challenging to meet with current staffing- one full-time program coordinator and one part-time secretary. Additionally, the program plans significant expansion in the coming year with the creation of a mentoring program, a summer bridge program, and increases in outreach and recruitment. A full-time program assistant is needed to assist in the coordination and oversight of these new projects, along with expected continued increases in demand from students and community members.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 7 - Increase Program Secretary's Hours

Increase secretary's hours from 24 to 32 hours per week and from 10 months to 11 months per year.

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

Inspiring Scholars has grown tremendously since being established in October 2014. The program has seen nearly 100 more students taking advantage of program offerings. Additionally, many community members are now seeking assistance in connecting current and former foster youth with Butte College. This increase in demand in student need is challenging to meet with current staffing- one full-time program coordinator and one part-time secretary. Additionally, the program plans significant expansion in the coming year with the creation of a mentoring program, a summer bridge program, and increases in outreach and recruitment. The program secretary is unable to meet the demands of the job in twenty four hours per week, as evidenced by her many hours of CTO time. Additionally, her coordination assistance will be essential over the summer for Summer Bridge.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Strategy 8 - Hire Student Assistants

Hire two student assistants for a total of 30 hours per week.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

The Program Coordinator position is only 24 hours per week.  It is important to have someone in the department at all times.  He is expected to participate in management activities, outreach, in-reach, training off campus, events offered by the funders, etc.  Having students to staff the study lounge would be extremely helpful as well as beneficial to the students themselves.  The student assistants would also serve as ambassadors for the program.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources

Current Financial Resources

Walter S. Johnson Foundation: $33,508 Annually until December 2016

Student Equity Funding- Program Coordinator's Salary and Benefits

SSSP Funding-Academic Counsor's hours for program

Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Inspiring Scholars Personnel To Be Established 52110 $0.00 $57,375.00
Dedicated Academic Counselor for Foster Youth Dedicated academic counseling will hopefully lead to increase retention, faster course completion and graduation rates, and a more meaningful college experience for foster youth at Butte College.
  • Student Support Services Program (SSSP)
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
  • Placing students appropriately, advising them effectively, and ensuring that they have educational plans
  • Improving access, success, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the Student Equity Plan
2 Inspiring Scholars Personnel To Be Established 52368 $0.00 $10,830.00
Student Assistants Needed to support outreach, in-reach and the study area. Thirty hours/week for 38 weeks. Included wage increase effective January 2016.
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
  • Improving access, success, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the Student Equity Plan
3 Inspiring Scholars Personnel To be established 52190 $0.00 $80,316.00
Hire a full-time program assistant or special programs clerk Inspiring Scholars has grown tremendously since being established in October 2014. The program has seen nearly 100 more students taking advantage of program offerings. Additionally, many community members are now seeking assistance in connecting current and former foster youth with Butte College. This increase in demand in student need is challenging to meet with current staffing- one full-time program coordinator and one part-time secretary. Additionally, the program plans significant expansion in the coming year with the creation of a mentoring program, a summer bridge program, and increases in outreach and recruitment. A full-time program assistant is needed to assist in the coordination and oversight of these new projects, along with expected continued increases in demand from students and community members.
  • Student Equity
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
  • Improving access, success, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the Student Equity Plan
  • Improving support services to meet demands for online students and students attending at off-campus centers
4 Inspiring Scholars Personnel To Be Established 52120 $0.00 $30,863.00
Increase Program Secretary's Hours Inspiring Scholars has grown tremendously since being established in October 2014. The program has seen nearly 100 more students taking advantage of program offerings. Additionally, many community members are now seeking assistance in connecting current and former foster youth with Butte College. This increase in demand in student need is challenging to meet with current staffing- one full-time program coordinator and one part-time secretary. Additionally, the program plans significant expansion in the coming year with the creation of a mentoring program, a summer bridge program, and increases in outreach and recruitment. The program secretary is unable to meet the demands of the job in twenty four hours per week, as evidenced by her many hours of CTO time. Additionally, her coordination assistance will be essential over the summer for Summer Bridge.
  • Student Equity
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • Directly supporting meeting department standards/goals for student achievement and/or supporting the college in meeting its student achievement standards and/or goals
  • Improving access, success, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the Student Equity Plan
5 Inspiring Scholars Operating Expenses To Be Established 54500 $0.00 $1,000.00
Supplies Funding needed for basic operating expenses; printer paper, printer cartridges, postage, etc.
  • Student Equity
  • Maintaining core programs and services
  • Improving access, success, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the Student Equity Plan
6 Inspiring Scholars To Be Established 54500 $0.00 $2,000.00
School supplies & books for students To support students whose financial aid is not yet available.
  • Student Equity
  • Addressing a shortfall identified during Student Learning (or administrative unit) Outcomes Assessment
  • Improving access, success, and completion of targeted student populations through the implementation of the Student Equity Plan