The Butte College Foster/Kinship Care Education Program strives to provide support to foster parents, kinship care providers and other members of the community to help them meet the changing and increasingly challenging needs of youth and families through many diverse types of workshops.
The Butte College Foster/Kinship Care Education Program provides to any member of the community diverse education to benefit those working with children, teens and families. Workshops are provided all year round, and include ongoing weekly meetings as well as intensive two-day workshops. Some of the workshops offered include Foster Parenting Pre-Service, Nurturing Parenting, Positive Discipline, Active Parenting of Teens, Six Core Strengths for Healthy Childhood Development, Developing Capable Young People. Topic specific workshops like Communication and Relationship Skills, Anger Management and a wide variety of other workshops are also offered to support families and other adults who work with youth.
The Butte College Foster/Kinship Care Education Program provides a "Training Evaluation" at the conclusion of each one day, two day, six week or ten week series. Trainers and Administration review the "Training Evaluation" forms always looking for ways to make improvements in future workshops.
SLO planning—Butte College Foster/Kinship Education
Outcome: Successful application of strategies to support positive child development
Target students: Parents/Child Caregivers
What behaviors do students demonstrate when outcome achieved?
Students will expand their knowledge of the developmental needs of children
Students will recognize the effects of their thoughts, feelings and actions on the behavior of their children
Students will be able to recognize factors that lead to misbehavior in children
Students will know how to reduce frustration and stress in their homes
Students will be able to respond to their children with appropriate expectations, limits and effective responses to misbehavior
Current interventions in dept. that relate to outcome:
Multiple parent education and child development curriculum (List?)
Multi-media trainings
Experiential exercises, role play, journaling, pre-post testing
1) Outcome: Successful family life
2) Target Students: Parents/Child Caregivers
3) What behaviors do students demonstrate when outcome achieved?
Students will gain awareness of how to establish safety and security for the family
Students will gain emotional competence by learning intrapersonal and interpersonal skills to support personal and family management
Students will broaden their ability to effectively communicate needs and wants
Students will gain awareness of their role as “first teachers” of their children
Students will learn how to access resources in times of need
4) Current interventions in dept. that relate to outcome:
Multiple parent education and child development curriculum (List?)
Multi-media trainings
Experiential exercises, role play, journaling, pre-post testing
1) Outcome: Effective use of community resources for families and children
2) Target Students: Parents/Child Caregivers
3) What behaviors do students demonstrate when outcome achieved?
Students will gain greater awareness of a variety of community resources that support children and families
Students will learn how to expand their family’s support network
Students will learn how to access basic need resources for children, including educational support services
Students will expand their awareness of health and recreation activities for family fun and social connection
4) Current interventions in dept. that relate to outcome:
Training discussions
Resource Tables
Handout materials
Caregiver self-care training
1) Outcome: Promotion of high family value for education
2) Target Students: Parents/Child Caregivers
3) What behaviors do students demonstrate when outcome achieved?
Students will gain awareness of their role as “first teachers” of their children
Students will model and promote reading in the home
Students will ensure regular school attendance for their children
Students will gain skill in learning to communicate effectively with school personnel if problem behaviors arise in children
Students will learn how to support their children’s rights to an educational assessment for special needs
Students will learn barriers to effective educational development and best practices to ensure educational development
4) Current interventions in dept. that relate to outcome:
Curriculum updates
Class discussions
Butte College Foster Kinship Care Education supports the college in meeting its student achievement standards by
We provide multiple successful family life education and positive child development workshops to support foster parents, kinship care providers and other members of the community. All Butte College Foster Kinship Care Education workshops are free and open to anyone in the community and gives diverse populations contact with continuing education opportunities.
Butte College Foster Kinship Care Education supports the college in meeting the Strategic Direction and Priorities by maintaining the following department strategies:
1) Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Academic Achievement
Maintaining an “open door” policy to all students desiring free education regarding positive parenting, basic social and systemic skills, and healthy child and family development.
Serving as a gateway to other Butte College programs which will help students meet academic, career, and life goals.
Collaborating with social service, law enforcement/probation, and other community programs to support individuals on mandated or voluntary re-entry plans.
Offering free continuing education hours to multiple disciplines, primarily those in health, education and welfare positions in the community.
2) Supporting Student, Faculty, and Staff Success
Maintaining classes at times conducive to parents, working people and those using public transportation.
Maintaining classes in Oroville, Chico and Paradise.
Conducting quarterly advisory meetings for enhanced communication and collaboration with trainers, community, social service and others.
3) Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
Conducting evaluations of classes
Reviewing ongoing SLO Assessment information with Advisory Committee and trainers for future refinement.
4) Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
Continuing partnerships with community outreach sites for off campus classes.
Maintaining human resource sharing for curriculum development and in-kind services with county social services, foster family agencies, inter-agency Child Abuse Prevention Team, and other community groups in regard to advertising and student recruitment.
Utilizing the unique strengths and diversity in life experience of the professional expert training staff.
5) Modeling Sustainability
Encouraging staff and students to utilize effective practices to reduce paper usage.
Maintaining recycling bins in clear sight to encourage student and staff use.
Evaluating site energy conservation efforts on an ongoing basis.
6) Enhancing a Culture of Inclusiveness
Recruiting and maintaining a diversity of staff with professional expert life experience.
Striving to welcome and appreciate the strengths of all students by modeling the principles of human kindness that we encourage they use with children.
Butte College Foster/Kinship Care Education will be included in the next Career and Employment Services program review schedule.
Motto: The More We Know, The More They Grow Mission: The Foster and Kinship Care Eduction Program provides quality education and support opportunities for care givers of children and youth in out -of-home care so that these providers may meet the educational, emotional, behavioral and developmental needs of children and youth. Guiding Values: 1. Children/youth feel they belong to families that are strong, safe, and nurturing. 2. There is consistency in care.3. Care providers are qualified, caring and knowledgeable. 4. Care providers are retained. 5. Care providers are linked to and collaborate with community support services. 6. There is permanency that is in the best interest of the child.
Strategy 1 - Community Collaboration
Foster Kinship Care Education Program:
Foster Kinship Care Education Program: