Content Editor:
Tina Day
SAP, or Satisfactory Academic Progress, is used to determine who qualifies for Financial Aid throughout their academic journey.
Contact Back on Track for information on: SAP, gpa, pace, or timeframe disqualification. We will help you with the appeals process, paperwork, and getting back on track for your academic goals!
Schedule an appointment online, contact us at 530-879-6260, or stop by LRC 230 (inside CAS on main campus) for more information. We can also come meet with you at any CAS location!
Breakout rooms are available for student groups in CAS on main campus (LRC 203) and
at the Glenn County Center CAS (GCC 113). Contact Amy at 530-895-2808 or for more information.
Breakout rooms at the Chico Center are managed by the Library. Contact Dan Buzan at
530-879-4366 or for more information.
Learning Resource Specialists, faculty members in CAS, are available to meet one-to-one with students, addressing learning strategies to support their academic success.
Instructors can refer students personally or through the Roadrunner Cares process; students can self-refer by coming to CAS in person or to the EDUC 310 course in Canvas and requesting to meet with a Learning Resource Specialist.
Check Out a Laptop at Any Location
Chico Center Drop-in Lab: CHC 231 (enter through CAS)
Glenn County Center CAS Provides Computer Access and Support: GCC 113
Any currently enrolled Butte College student may check in to use these labs for school assignments, Canvas course work, and Internet research. A trained Computer Tutor or CAS faculty member is scheduled most hours in these labs to help students with any questions related to documents, files, Internet research, or use of the computer or printer.
Accessing nonacademic chat rooms, online shopping, games, or pornographic material
is not allowed in any CAS lab.
Inappropriate use of campus labs will be reported immediately to the Dean of Students.
Content Editor:
Tina Day